IGCRI, inviting applications for the post of Technical Officer/ Scientific Assistant.
BE/B.Tech (Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)
BSc (Computer Science)
Diploma (Automobile, Civil, Electronics & Communication, Mechanical Engineering)
BSc (Computer Science)
Diploma (Automobile, Civil, Electronics & Communication, Mechanical Engineering)
Age limit as on 31.12.2010: Minimum age limit is 18 years. Upper Age limit for the Post of Technical Officer/C 35 years.Upper Age limit for the Post of Scientific Assistant/B : 30 years.
Pay scale for the post of Technical Officer/C Rs.15600-39100,Scientific Assistant/B: Rs.9300-34800.
Selection Procedure: Screened in short listed candidates for all the categories (Category I to VIII) will only be called for interview. Selection of candidate for the post of all categories (Category I to VIII) will be based on merit in overall performance in the interview.
Application Procedure:
The application in the prescribed format as given below, preferably type written on thick foolscap paper (size 34 cms X 22 cms) should be submitted and outer cover should be superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF______________ AGAINST THE ADVERTISEMENT NO.1/2010”. “Category No:_____________”.Completed applications should be sent to: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER,DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY GENERAL SERVICES ORGANISATION KALPAKKAM, KANCHEEPURAM DISTRICT TAMIL NADU - 603 102.
Application Fee for Technical Officer/C only: Crossed Demand Draft on any scheduled banks drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, GSO, Kalpakkam for Rs.50/- payable at Kalpakkam. Women candidates, SC/ST candidates, disabled Defence personnel and dependents of Defence personnel killed in action and Ex-servicemen are exempted from paying fee.
Last date for receiving of applications: 31.12.2010
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